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Health and Wellness SIG - Clinical Uses of HeartMath – A case study in biofeedback programming - December 2017
Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute - Golden Valley
3915 Golden Valley Road
Minneapolis, MN 55422

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Tuesday, December 05, 2017, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM CDT
Category: SIGS

5:30-5:45  Introduction to Topic
5:45-6:30  Presentation
6:30-7:00  Closing Remarks/Q&A

Course Description: This presentation will provide an introduction to the use of heart rate variability biofeedback as an evidence based OT intervention to improve coping skills and autonomic regulation for optimal participation in daily occupations. Participants will learn the benefits of HRV biofeedback and populations it can be utilized with. A case study example using HRV biofeedback to improve emotional regulation in adolescent females with anxiety will be presented. 


Speaker Bio: Cate Hoffman, COTA/L is a graduate from St. Catherine University with an Associate of Applied Science degree. She also completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology through the University of Minnesota. Cate has practiced in occupational therapy for a year and a half in the areas of acute care and inpatient rehabilitation with an emphasis in neuro rehabilitation. Her work is guided by a holistic approach, with additional areas of interest in program development and assistive technology. Other passions include spending time with her husband and rescue dog, traveling, running, and restoring her 1923 home. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Attendees will be able to identify the HeartMath tools, techniques and heart-rhythm devices that provide immediate visual and audio feedback on the impact stress has on the body.
  • Attendees will be able to describe the clinical applications of HeartMath to aide clients in self-regulating the emotions that are often at the source of their stress.
  • Attendees will be able to identify the science behind heart rate variability and autonomic function, interventions and protocols for specific disorders or populations.

Target Audience: OTR, OTA, OTS.

Course Level:  Introductory

Event Location:
Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute-Golden Valley
3915 Golden Valley Rd, Minneapolis, MN 55422
Wilko Conference Room, 254


Continuing Education Credits:  1.5 CEU

 This course fulfills the AOTA Classification Code for Continuing Education Activities: Category 1: Domain of OT

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Contact: Hillary Otto- email: [email protected]; phone - 651-792-5998