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Pelvic Health SIG Networking Meeting. Topic: Starting a Pelvic Health Program.
Monday, February 26, 2024, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM CDT
Category: SIGS

Event Name/Course Title: Pelvic Health SIG Networking Meeting. Topic: Starting a Pelvic Health Program. Date of Event: Monday, February 26th, 2024 

Start Time: 7:00 p.m. End Time: 8:00 p.m. 

Format: Guided Discussion via Zoom

Timed Agenda: 

● 7:00-7:10 Introductions and topic presentation (Melissa Lam and Tamara Nascene)

● 7:10-7:50 Discussion with guided questions on topic: “Starting a Pelvic Health Program”

● 7:50-8:00 Planning for future sessions/Unanswered questions 

Event Description: A Pelvic Health Special Interest Group “Networking Meeting” will consist of a short presentation followed by an open discussion and ending with the sharing of contact information and resources. Each networking meeting will focus on a specific topic and will provide opportunities to brainstorm future meeting topics. Networking meetings are free to all to attend. 

Speaker Credentials and Biographies:

Tamara Nascene, MA, OTR/L is currently working in the private practice sector where she specializes in both mental health and pelvic health and has a specific interest in the intersection of those two practice areas. Her pelvic health education has included multidisciplinary continuing education as well as OT-specific pelvic health training. 

Melissa Lam, MA, OTR/L has worked in pediatric settings for most of her career. She has enjoyed seeing pediatric pelvic floor patients as part of her work. Some of her areas of expertise include pediatric incontinence, bedwetting, chronic constipation, and fear of toileting. She enjoys being able to address feeding, sensory, and mental health needs in addition to pelvic floor dysfunction as it relates to toileting. 

Learning Objectives

Participants will: 

Understand the general process of starting a pelvic health program 

Recognize practice settings in which pelvic health programs would be beneficial

Know where to find more information on setting up a pelvic health program specific to their own practice setting 

Target Audience: OT, OTA, Student 

Level of Content: Introductory 

AOTA Practice Area: Pelvic Health, Children & Youth, Health & Wellness, Mental Health, Productive Aging, Rehabilitation & Disability 

Contact Hours: none 

Fee: None