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School Mental Health Advocacy – Opening doors to meet the needs of ALL students
Monday, May 20, 2024, 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM CST
Category: SIGS

Event Name/Course Title: School Mental Health Advocacy – Opening doors to meet the needs of ALL students

Date of Event: May 20. 2024

Start Time: 6:00 pm End Time: 7:15 pm

Category: Virtual Presentation

Timed Agenda: 

  • 6:00-6:05 Introductions and background information

  • 6:05-6:45 Presentation

  • 6:45-7:00 Questions and Answers

  • 7:00-7:15 OTAMMHS closing

Event Description: This presentation and discussion will outline School Mental Health and include advocacy efforts for OT in this area, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), barriers to practice, Multiple-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), and success stories. There will be a slide presentation and interactive conversations with participants.

Speaker Credentials and Biographies: Sarah S. Greene, OTD, OTR/L, has been a practicing occupational therapist, namely in pediatric and school-based practice, since graduating from St. Catherine University in 2001 with her bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy and psychology. As she saw the needs of her students evolve, she evolved her practice, addressing mental health promotion and prevention in her everyday practice. This led her to pursue a Master’s degree, followed by a post-professional doctorate. She recently took on the position of Academic Fieldwork Coordinator and Assistant Professor at St. Catherine University to continue to advocate for our unique and diverse roles as occupational therapists, especially with children and youth in addressing mental health promotion and prevention.

Learning Objectives:

Participants will:

  • Explore occupational therapy practitioners role in school-based practice through a mental health promotion and prevention lens

  • Identify and describe barriers and opportunities in advocating for school-based practitioners to practice within their scope of practice

  • Discuss successful interventions to address the needs of ALL students through multi-tiered systems of support

Target Audience: All

Level of Content:  Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced

AOTA Practice Area: Children & Youth, Health & Wellness, Mental Health 

Contact Hours: 1.0

Fee: $5 MOTA Members, $30 Non-MOTA Members

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